Monday, April 18, 2011

Seneca creek

after 2 runs on the upper B,we went Davis for pizza,when shorty after we checked the river gauges and noticed Seneca gauge was 3900 and going strait up,,,so we drove to the Seneca creek take out to sleep.
we new we wanted an early start for the 13 miles of whitewater in the wilderness.
As we drove up the mountain to the put in,the temp dropped to 25 % and snow all around.
the day started cold,but the mile hike in kept us warm..the water seemed low as we first put on ,,but luckily

the were side streams feeding in around ever turn.When we got to the rapids ,,it was a nice low level.
                                                            Upper Seneca Falls
                                                                         Knife's Edge
                                                                        drop near the end

                    Lower Seneca Falls.                                             
   After Lower Seneca falls there was 4 miles of class 2-3 and about 5 portages because of strainers.
We got off the river at 3:30 with temps. in the 50's,,ended up having a great day on one of the most beautiful creek in WV.
more pics of the creek